I am usually a happy old lady. This week not so much... I was waiting for a renewal form to renew my Maine drivers license . Found out they do NOT send them anymore. Learned that even tho I have had the right to drive for over 50 + years. Now to renew I needed my birth cert. and something else to prove who I am and that I am a Maine citizen.
So began the search. I went thru my husbands death cert. his birth cert. and our marriage papers....could Not find my birth cert. I ended up in tears missing my "GOLDIE"
So I traveled to Topsham Town office ( 80) miles away. Got 2 birth cert. and headed home. So I traveled 160 miles to prove who I am.. No time to visit old friends or SHOP. Wanted to get home before dark. ( ROAD WORK) One nice thing I saw the Town Clerk who was my neighbor back in the day..! So i went with birth cert,-light bill and property tax bill to show I am a Maine resident.Then an eye exam....passed with flying colors NOT restricted to glasses....and Tuesday I will vote and turn 82,...Sunday my sister is taking me to Brunswick for a "PIE PARTY". So I am back to my HAPPY self after all that......