Monday, November 28, 2011

52 degrees here in Maine this morning..!

We may hit a record high temp today, That was 56 or 58 .Predicting a high of 56 so we will see. Sure is nice on the heating this old house..! Today errands to run...PO to mail a package for my shopping and a few other things to do.
A nice mild day to get it all done....:)

Monday, November 21, 2011

TTHE CUP WAS A GIFT FOR MY 82nd birthday.

A sunny but COLD day here in Maine. A day to wear a wool sweater.


Sunday, November 20, 2011

The picture is of my church ladies

They were having a PIE SALE Saturday morning as I was on my way to Brunswick. I love my church ladies.. They are great.
I learned this morning in church that they made over 400.00 and sold out...:)

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Home from Brunswick & Topsham..craft shows.

Saw some old friends and that was some extended family..The Lemieux's..Karen and Callie plus Avery and Callie's BF.
Home before keep my Son Happy.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Today I am 82 and still feeling GREAT.

I am thankful to be feeling so well at 82. It will be a very HAPPY day. I will go to hospital chaplaincy where we make things for nursing homes. Have a great day...! I know I will..!
My church ladies are my friends.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

I got it DONE

I am usually a happy old lady. This week not so much... I was waiting for a renewal form to renew my Maine drivers license . Found out they do NOT send them anymore. Learned that even tho I have had the right to drive for over 50 + years. Now to renew I needed my birth cert. and something else to prove who I am and that I am a Maine citizen.
So began the search. I went thru my husbands death cert. his birth cert. and our marriage papers....could Not find my birth cert. I ended up in tears missing my "GOLDIE"
So I traveled to Topsham Town office ( 80) miles away. Got 2 birth cert. and headed home. So I traveled 160 miles to prove who I am.. No time to visit old friends or SHOP. Wanted to get home before dark. ( ROAD WORK) One nice thing I saw the Town Clerk who was my neighbor back in the day..! So i went with birth cert,-light bill and property tax bill to show I am a Maine resident.Then an eye exam....passed with flying colors NOT restricted to glasses....and Tuesday I will vote and turn 82,...Sunday my sister is taking me to Brunswick for a "PIE PARTY". So I am back to my HAPPY self after all that......