Wednesday, July 30, 2008

It is Wednesday so soon. Time is flying by. Here in Maine today is the start of the 61st Lobster Festival in Rockland. People will eat a lot of lobster.
I am so glad the sun is bright and it should be a great day for the festival.
I have to go shopping today and finish a quilt. I am enjoying my screen house in the backyard.
Be kind to your family and friends.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Saturday morning

Yesterday I went to Brunswick and met my friend Ruth( she was my boss). We then went to the service for the lady we worked with years ago. Another lady who worked with us was also there.
So there were the three of us from the bank.
I also saw my former neighbor in Topsham. Nice to see Margaret again. We both became widows in 2007. 
After the service I went and had a nice visit with my brothers family.
We sat on the porch and really enjoyed Colby being the music man. In this picture is Colby with his Great grandmother Roberta. It was a nice afternoon.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

GOOD MORNING We have rain

Yesterday I got my car registered. Changed the name to mine. Now I think my husbands name is off all the paperwork we have in our lives. It  has been  14 months since he died. 
Tomorrow I will be in Brunswick may try to see my brothers while I am down there.
We may be getting OLD but we are a busy group of old folks.
Today I will quilt. I have two quilts for my friend Carolyn. One is a SUNBONNET SUE and the other is an OVERALL SAM. I will post a photo when they are all quilted.
Enjoy everyday! !

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Good afternoon

We have had some clouds but he sun is bright right now, It is a lovely day. My flowers are looking better now that we got a little rain.
I plan to meet my friend Ruth and we will go to the memorial service together Friday morning.
We worked for many years with the lady who died.
I always  like to get back to the area where I lived & worked and made my home for so many years.I still have family and friends down there in the southern part of Maine.
After a year as a widow I am going to stay here in the little town my husband loved.

Monday, July 21, 2008

A little rain & now the sun is shinning! !

The rain was much needed it was getting way too dry. I have much to do here at home before I get away this weekend.
Friday I will be in Brunswick to attend a memorial service for an old friend. Then MAINE QUILTS 2008 at the Augusta Civic center.
It warms my heart to see old friends but is also sad to be losing so many important people in my life. I tried to get a picture of the humming bird but no success it flew away too fast.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Sunday morning and we have SUNSHINE

I have had my breakfast and will be off to get the Sunday paper. 
At church today Corinna will be saying goodbye to our pastor Sharon. She will be leaving for NH.
We are going to miss her. 
I am posting a picture of the quilt on my bed.
Hope you enjoy seeing it.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

My sister got me this screen house. Yesterday I got two more chairs to use in it. I can sit out there in my back yard and read a book or just enjoy the scenery. It is really nice

Saturday Morning

Thursday, July 17, 2008


It is a beautiful day here in Maine. I have to remember to water my plants as we have not had enough rain. Just glorious Sunshine.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Yesterday I went to the Dr. I had blood work done the week before. All my numbers were perfect.
I do take meds but have been careful about what I eat. Lots of fruit and veggies..Plus beans & rice.
NO SODA -CHIPS or ICE CREAM really has worked. This summer I will have some ice cream and strawberry shortcake. Got to enjoy summertime.
So I only go back to see the Dr. late October. No blood work before that visit. 
Remember to keep in touch with your friends.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Good Morning

My brother sent me this picture of his adorable grandkids. Bailey and Lauren yesterday was the 4th birthday of Lauren.
Bailey the older of the two will have her birthday in September.
Today I go to the Dr. and run a few errands. Should be a sunny and warm day Not too humid.

Monday, July 14, 2008


We have a cloudy day but a nice sunny weekend. Saturday I went to the birthday party for my friend Mim. She is beloved in Corinna. Celebrating her 80th birthday.
Today is the birthday of Lauren J. I think 4 years old. I have to check with her Aunt Julie.
The month of August I have vacation and a wedding plus lots of family birthdays. So a summer of joy.

Saturday, July 12, 2008


Today should be fun. I need to go to the bank -PO and then on to a party for a dear lady.
Mim King is one of the first ladies who was so kind to me when I first moved to Corinna.
The celebration is at the church annex. Mim is celebrating her 80th birthday.
There was a really nice photo of her in The Rolling Thunder express. our local free paper.
Must have breakfast and get a move on. 
The weather today should be PERFECT! ! ! 

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Good morning

It is 70 degrees at 6:30 this AM. Hope it is not as hot and humid. Three days of BAD AIR are too much.  We can pick strawberries near our home. It has been too hot to get out in the field to pick.
With the warm and humid weather everything is green and Mike has been mowing grass at lest once a week.
So with a change in the weather we can pick strawberries and peas.
Today should be sunny 83-85 degrees and less humid. Three days of 90 and high humidity were not good to get a lot of work done.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Another very bad air day

We will again have temps topping off at 90. So the AC is on again today. Later we should have bad thunder storms as this hot air and cooler temps come in.
Chat later.......

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

I am enjoying COFFEE TOAST and some FRUIT

I am just back from going to the DR. office and getting my blood drawn. I had to fast so this coffee and toast are PERFECT.
I met Jenna my neighbor outback. She drew my blood. Her aunt Kim used to be our neighbor outback. Was nice to meet her I remember her 11 years ago as a little girl.
We have a BAD AIR ALERT here in Maine today. I plan to stay inside and turn on the AC.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Monday morning

Hello everyone we are in for a very HOT and HUMID day here in Maine. Temps could top 90.
I survived the weekend and am off to a great new week.
I must fast later today so that I can have blood work done tomorrow morning. Nothing but water after 6PM.  Then I see my Dr. next week.
I am going to the PO and do some quilting.  Looks like I will need to put the AC on today.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Sunny Sunday Morning

Today July 6th is sad for me this year. In 1951 I married the LOVE OF MY LIFE. 
Last year I was still in shock because he died so very suddenly. This year I just miss him.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Sunny Saturday Here in Maine

Good morning everyone. We have a perfect holiday weekend. Simply wonderful for all the vacationers. Sunny ,warm and less humid.
Tonight the 5th we have fireworks in Newport. Last night there were fireworks in Dexter.
 Since we are between the two towns we can enjoy each one.
Today is grocery shopping day. Must get a list made and be on our way.
Enjoy the rest of the weekend because rain is due early this coming week.

Friday, July 4, 2008


Hope you all have a safe and HAPPY HOLIDAY WEEKEND.
We will have fireworks down in Newport at the lake.
Stay safe and don't forget to be KIND.

Thursday, July 3, 2008


Alice & Beth

OH OH I will try again

Oh. I made a mistake trying to post this picture.
My friend Beth was visiting in Maine and her daughter took this picture of us while visiting at my home.


Yesterday I went down and visited with my sister Sue. It was a really nice visit. She took me to the cemetery so I could visit my "Goldie". We were quite a sight. Looking for his grave site. We walked and looked. We were in the right section but the wrong row. It just looked different because so many veterans are dying each day. 
Must have my breakfast and get to town and do some shopping before the holiday. There will be parades and fireworks etc.  I used to love the 4th but not so much now. 
Wishing everyone a SAFE holiday weekend.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Gosh it is a foggy morning

I will soon be on my way to visit with my sister today. Got to wait for the fog to lift. Should be a very nice day later.
We got our converter boxes for our antenna TV. 
Must be on my way is clearing.