Monday, September 19, 2011

A bright & sunny day here in Maine

Friday I was in Brunswick and reconnected with an old friend......actually a rather young lady. We worked together at a bank in Brunswick many years ago. She was the youngest of the group. We had lunch and a very nice visit.
Then she and her friend were on their way to Bar Harbor. While she was in Brunswick from WI. I was called her 'MAINE MOM'. It was so nice to see her again.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Hello Alice, I have thought of you often over the past year. I have not done my blog and just restarted. I see you have continued to keep up to date. My year has been a sad husband died on Feb 1st and my Dad on July two best friends are gone in a five month period of time. My life has been devastated...actually the life I knew is gone...over...never to be lived again. I am slowly returning out of that fog everyone seems to live in after losing their husband. Quite frankly I do not like this "new" life but this I have no control over..I do have control over my approach and how I deal with things. So I am taking it as I feel like it...I am baking and cooking so I decided to post on my blog and it feels good...

I hope you are well...I do not do does not interest me and I like being private...I don't like being "tracked"...blogging allows me to maintain some control...Facebook I would be hounded all the thank you..I also do not text...if they need me I make sure they really need me and have a few hoops to jump far I have not missed anything major but I have eliminated a lot of baloney...

Well I best sign off...just wanted to touch base...good to read your are quite a gal! Beth