Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Tuesday June 3rd, 2008

This morning I met with ladies from the church. We went to the home of one of our members.
 It was very nice.
Now my son is mowing the grass before we get more rain showers. It looks pretty shaggy out there in our yard.
Tomorrow I go shopping for food. I only go every two weeks. Then I desperately need a haircut.
Now I am going to do some quilting after I take a little walk. Must get outside and enjoy some fresh air. We still have lilacs. They smell so nice.
Remember to be kind to your neighbors and friends.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Alice. I love your blog. It is so cheery and positive, just like you are in person. It doesn't seem possible that you are almost 80. You seem more like 60! I guess you have a young attitude.

Love the picture of your quilts. Wow.

Had a great time today at Sue's with the church ladies!